
Help us finish the medical clinic

help us complete the medical clinic

Raised Money

You Must Have Questions

1.  Where does my money go?

The beautiful thing about being a small organisation is that 100 per cent of money received from donors goes directly to our medical clinic project. There are no overheads to worry about - every cent we receive is put to where it matters most! Funds are sent directly to our registered on-the-ground partners the Malawi Volunteer Organisation, which is permanently based in the community we support. We are registered with the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits commission (ACNC) with DGR status, meaning every donation over $2 made in Australia is

2.  How can I volunteer at the clinic?

Volunteer opportunities are currently limited, but definitely possible! If you're interested in volunteering in healthcare, education or community development, enquire within and we'll see how we can help. Regular volunteer programs have been interrupted due to COVID-19, but our partners in Malawi hope to bring services online again soon. If you're interested in volunteering in Uganda, there are many opportunities available so get in touch and we'll point you in the right direction!

3.  Why Malawi?

We love Malawi, and once you spend time with the people there, it will be easy to understand why! While known for its natural beauty and friendly locals, it is sadly one of the poorest nations in the world. Basic human rights such and healthcare and education, which many of us often tend to take for granted, are sadly not guaranteed for many in Malawi, so we thought we'd try and do our bit to help!

4.   Why do people in Malawi need a medical clinic?

While the Monkey Bay region is known for its stunning scenery on the edges of Lake Malawi, its remote location means there are many disparate villages that are hard to reach and without a dedicated medical service. Our clinic is based in Chizula Village, approximately 10kms away from the Monkey Bay hospital. As very few people own cars, this distance is too great to travel for general health services - a gap our clinic will fill in a location that is central to around 15 local villages.

5.   How long has Educaring Africa been around?

Educaring Africa was established between Australia and Malawi in 2012 by Australian Sean Car. In 2015, it also formed a partnership with a community organisation in Uganda. Over the years we've facilitated a number of projects including high school sponsorships, medical surgery support, construction of a medical clinic, as well as various sanitation, environmental and community projects.

6.  Who do you partner with on the ground?

In Malawi, we partner with the Malawi Volunteer Organisation, while in Uganda we work with the Africa Sustainable Tourism Care Foundation.